Why Does My Hair Appear So Oily When I Straighten It?

Does straightening your hair make it look greasy?  After just a few hours following straightening hair seems to turn oily. This is a common complaint among aficionados or the straightening iron.

Let’s examine the possible causes and what you may be able to do about it to keep hair looking soft and shiny even after straightening.

What Is Hair Oiliness?

My Hair Appear So Oily When I Straighten It

The oil found on the scalp is a combination of the natural sebum your glands produce and perspiration. They will accumulate on the hair and scalp. When you straighten hair, this oil is spread along the hair shafts by the iron. Hair can become oily for several reasons:

  • Not shampooing hair often enough
  • The application of too much hair care product
  • Haircare product buildup at the roots and on the scalp
  • Using dirty hairbrushes 
  • Excess natural sebum production

Product Buildup and Reactions to Haircare Products 

Generally, to protect hair from potential damage from styling, we use a number of emollients that are specifically designed to protect hair, especially when using dryers or irons for curling or straightening. So, there may be a buildup that causes hair to appear to be particularly oily.

Another possibility as to why hair appears greasy after straightening is that a product you are using for styling protection irritates or causes the scalp to react to the extent that it produces more oil.

If straightened hair then lies flat on the scalp, it is conceivable that the hair shafts will absorb the excess oil produced.

As the hair absorbs more oils, it will become a kind of insulation on the scalp, and this will only exacerbate the oiliness. With more insulation and less air circulation, the scalp will perspire more and continue to produce excess oil.

The heat of the straightening iron may also be a contributing cause.

heat of the straightening iron also result in oily

If My Hair Is Naturally Oily, What Can I Do?

If your hair is oily before straightening, select a lighter kind of styling hair care product, or use as little as possible. You may also want to try a completely new product. Or you may want to try adjusting the heat level on your straightening iron.

To combat natural oiliness, massage your scalp after shampooing with one part of white vinegar to four parts of cold water. This will aid in removing excess natural oil and help to increase your hair’s shine.

Before Straightening My Hair Should I Wash It?

Yes, shampooing your hair is a good idea should you decide that you want to straighten it. This will allow the hair more time before oil accumulates once more after you have straightened it.

This step should not be overlooked when straightening hair. You may end up with particularly oily hair after straightening precisely for this reason.

Make it a point to perform two shampoos and rinses. Some hair care products may not be able to be removed completely with a single shampoo. Also, products are not the only problem to consider when dealing with oily hair.

Environmental dust particles and pollution or allergens need to be removed. This is crucial if you are using sulfate-free shampoos that are gentler when breaking down dust and dirt on the hair. Scrub and massage your scalp thoroughly when shampooing.

  • Shampoo your hair twice, condition it, and rinse.
  • Towel dry your hair.
  • Using a paddle brush, gently blow dry your hair.
  • Separate the hair and place it in sections.
  • Iron the sections of hair beginning at the roots and straighten completely to the tips.
  • Follow by applying a small amount of hair cream or oil to your hands and smooth it through your hair. Avoid applying the product onto the scalp or to the hair roots.

Can I Prevent My Hair from Looking Greasy after I Have Straightened It?

Most hair care professionals will recommend that you should not wash your hair for two to three days after you have straightened your hair.

Straightening treatments requires a little time to set or stabilize. If you shampoo immediately, there is a risk that your hair will return to its shape before the straightening.

You may also want to shampoo at least once weekly with a clarifying shampoo or look for a shampoo specifically for oily hair. Read ingredient lists and look for substances such as lemon juice.

Another substance popular for excess oil is tea tree oil. Some people use small paper oil-absorbing sheets that can be used to blot excess oils. These may prolong your straightened style.

You can also opt to wear your hair in a messy bun, or a braid, or wear a headband to minimize your hair from appearing oily. 

This may be a challenge for those with naturally oily hair as not shampooing can become uncomfortable. One possibility is to use dry shampoo to resolve this difficulty.

Dry Shampoo for Greasy-Looking Hair

Using a Dry Shampoo for Greasy-Looking Hair

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Position the dry shampoo approximately six inches from your scalp.
  2. Spray a light layer of the shampoo onto the scalp.
  3. Massage the dry shampoo gently onto your scalp and the hair roots.
  4. Apply a second dose and repeat the massaging action.
  5. After you have finished, brush the dry shampoo out of your hair. If you want to give your hair more volume or change the style somewhat, use your blow dryer to blow cool air directly onto the roots of your hair.

Tips for Keeping Your Hair Healthy

Aside from reducing your hair’s oiliness, consider these tips for healthier, shinier hair.

  • Keep your hair trimmed as this will aid in preventing split ends from developing.
  • Apply a deep conditioner weekly.
  • Select a heat protector spray for application before you straighten your hair.
  • Do not use heated styling instruments on a daily basis.
Preventing Your hair from Appearing Oily after Straightening

To prevent oily hair after straightening, shampoo your hair to prevent hair care product buildup. Make it a point to adjust the heat level on your straightening iron, and above all, if you are using protective hair care products, choose only high-quality products.