Black Hair Dye Fading: What Shade Can You Expect?

A good black dye job can last anywhere from five to seven weeks without you noticing much change. After seven weeks, the dye will begin to disappear. Exactly how long a dye will last will also be influenced by how you take care of your hair.

Just like other hair dyes, black dye will eventually fade. Generally, the pigments used in the black dye will be stronger due to the darker hue, and hence they should resist longer. But, at some point in time, the dye color will fade from hair fibers.

If your natural hair color is not lighter, or you are not dyeing to cover gray hair, you can probably wait five to six weeks before dyeing anew. If you are at risk for light-colored roots showing, you may want to re-dye as early as three weeks.

What Shade or Color Will Black Hair Dye Fade to

What Factors Can Cause Black Hair Dye to Fade?

Every dye job will be a case unto itself. There is no precise amount of time that is the same for everybody.

Some factors that can influence how fast a dye jo will fade include:

• Sun exposure

• Water containing chlorine such as in a swimming pool

• Your natural hair color

• Hair dye quality

• Your hair care routine

Both chlorine and sun exposure can cause the pigment to leave hair fibers more rapidly causing reddish tones in the hair.

Positive factors that can prolong hair dye include undamaged hair and a dye that is high quality.

Other variables that can influence fading are the type of dye, whether demi-permanent or semi-permanent. Also, the more often you dye your hair black, the more pigment will remain in the hair shaft.

Does Your Hair Care Routine Influence the Fading of Hair Dye?

Yes, how you care for your hair can determine how quickly a dye job fades.  Washing hair often can continue to quicker fade.

The kind of shampoo you use can also contribute to fading. Shampoos and conditioners should be formulated for dyed hair. Those containing sulfates can speed up fading.

Why Does Black Dye Fade at a Slower Rate than Other Dye Colors?

Black hair dye is exceptionally resistant because it is darker, so it lasts longer. Even if you are not showing a lot of root growth, the dye may begin to fade, and your hair will appear dull close to the two-month mark. With proper care, you can maintain its intensity for longer than two months.

Black hair dyes contain more pigmentation than lighter-colored dyes and will be absorbed quickly by hair fibers. Together with reds, it is one of the most resistant dye colors.

See also: How to Make Natural Red Hair Redder?

Are There Benefits to Dyeing Hair Black?

Color Black Hair Dye Fade to

If your hair is damaged due to treatments and coloring, the black dye has the advantage of requiring less maintenance, thus subjecting your hair to less harm.

It also can be applied with a developer that is 10-volume which damages hair less than if you must use a 20-volume developer which is harsher.

This will not be an advantage if you have gray or white root growth. You’ll need to touch up anyway.

Are There Disadvantages to Dyeing Hair Black?

Yes, there are. Should you decide to lighten the color, you will be required to go through several de-coloration and bleaching sessions to remove the black dye.

How Long Will My Black Dye Job Last?

With a good hair care routine, your black dye should last as long as nine weeks depending on how many times you shampoo your hair during the week and the kinds of products you use.

You should absolutely avoid washing your hair on a daily basis. If you feel a need to wash your hair more often, try to wait at least three days before doing so. This will aid in having your hair dye last a bit longer.

Consider using products specifically formulated for dark or black hair, as they will not contain ingredients that can cause fading.

Also consider applying hair oils to your dyed hair, such as coconut oil, almond oil, or argan oil to nourish and moisturize dyed hair.

If your hair is severely damaged due to repeated dyeing, you should make oil application a regular part of your hair care routine.

What Color Will My Black Hair Dye Fade to?

This will depend on if your hair was bleached before dyeing it black.  If you had dyed it a blonde before dyeing it black, you may expect a brown tone that is somewhat brassy and reddish to emerge with fading.

If your original hair color was a shade of brown, you may lose a little color and brightness, but the difference will not be radical.

Black hair dyes with bluish undertones may fade causing these undertones to be more visible. If you have repeatedly bleached your hair, it will be porous with raised hair cuticles, so your hair may have more difficulty holding onto the color.

See also: Can I Put Bleach Over Hair Dye that is Semi-permanent?

If My Hair Dye Fades, What Can I Do?

If your hair dye fades, you’ll need to renew your hair color which means that you’ll need to dye your hair black again.

What If I Want to Change Black Hair Color to Another Color?

Hair can be dyed a color that is lighter, but this will require bleaching your hair more than once depending on how light you wish to go. You may be able to dye it to a darker shade of brown without bleaching.

Can I Dye My Hair Black Myself?

You can, but it would be better to consult a professional to avoid damaging your hair.

Will Black Hair Dye Bleed after Dying?

It can be if the hair dye is good quality or if you are out in the sun or a chlorinated pool.

The Bottom Line

Black hair dye will fade more slowly than other colors, thus it should last longer before you need to re-dye it. Only lighter color root growth will be an exception.

Be careful about the products you use in your hair care routine as they need to be formulated for damaged or dyed hair, and ideally for dark or black hair tones.

Once you have dyed your hair black, avoid washing it for at least three days so the color has time to set. Also, opt to wash your hair with warm or tepid water, as very hot water can negatively affect how hair fibers retain their color. Above all, keep your hair moisturized and hydrated to prolong the color.