Reasons Curls Flatten While Sleep: Overnight Solutions for Curly Hair

Curly hair can be both a blessing and a curse. I love my curls but sometimes I wake up with the messiest and flat curls. 

Although you won’t need to style it much when sleeping, you will need to take the necessary precautions. If you have curly hair, the issue is even worse. 

But imagine you’ve washed your hair nice and clean. Now all you want is to go to bed and wake up with amazing, clean curls. 

But you wake up and find your curls have flatten from behind because of the way you slept. 

Why Do My Curls Flatten When I Sleep

Quite disappointing, no? 

But why does that happen? 

Sleeping directly on your curls will flatten them out, so avoid doing that! Instead, experiment with loose braids or buns at the crown of your head to prolong curls throughout the night. Be careful not to go too tight or your curls may stretch out.

To keep those curls when you get up in the morning, you must pay closer attention. There is very little room for neglect.

Reasons why your curls flatten

There are a few reasons why your curls may flatten when you sleep:

1. Friction: I have a habit of tossing and turning around in my sleep, and it causes friction between the hair and the pillowcase and that is why I wake up with messy and flattened curls. And this is especially true if you sleep on a cotton pillowcase, which can be rough on your hair.

2. Heat and humidity: When you sleep, your body heat and the humidity from your breath can create moisture on your hair, which can cause your curls to lose their shape.

3. Lack of support: If you sleep with your hair loose or in a messy bun, your curls may not have enough support to maintain their shape. Try using a silk or satin scarf to wrap your hair before bed, or using a silk or satin pillowcase to reduce friction.

Silk or satin scarf to wrap your hair before bed

4. Product buildup: If you have product buildup in your hair, it can weigh your curls down and cause them to flatten out. Try using a clarifying shampoo to remove any buildup before bed.

Optimal sleeping position to avoid flattening of your curls

If you have curly hair, it’s crucial to avoid lying directly on the hair follicles. 

Curls may become matted and untidy if your head weight pulls on them. Your hair may become frizzy and knotted if you sleep on your back and rock your head back and forth.

I think your best bet if you have curly hair is to sleep on your side or stomach. Also, sleeping on your side has a variety of other health advantages.

However, the best thing you can do is to sleep on your back with your head elevated. This position reduces the amount of friction between your hair and the pillowcase, which can help your curls maintain their shape.

If sleeping on your back is uncomfortable or not possible for you, you can also try sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase or wrapping your hair in a silk or satin scarf before bed. These materials are smoother and reduce friction, which can help your curls keep their shape.

How can you avoid flattening your curls?

1. Use a pillowcase made of silk or satin

Use a pillowcase made of silk or satin for Curly Hair

I have recently started using satin pillows and I have seen the difference each morning. If you are of African or Hispanic origin and have curly hair, I found that the diameter of your hair shaft varies depending on the shape of your curls. 

When you toss and turn while you sleep, it might stress your hair follicle and increase the probability that it will break. 

To avoid frizz and breakage while you sleep, switch the surface your curls are resting on. Even those with a high thread count have the potential to snag on your hair strands and rob them of their natural oils.

2. Use different hairstyle that won’t mess up your curls

Here are some hairstyles for curly hair that you can wear to bed when it’s dry: 

First Pineapple

First Pineapple Sleeping Curly Hairstyle

This sleeping hairstyle for curly hair gives the impression that your head is topped with a pineapple. 

Here’s how to do the pineapple the right way: 

  • Till your hair hangs in front of you, crouch down. 
  • Bring your hair together and place it on top of your head. It should ideally be situated halfway between your forehead and your crown of head. 
  • If you have short curly hair, attempt to sleep as close to the optimum position as you can. 
  • Make a loose bun out of your hair using a cloth, a headband, or a satin scrunchie.

With this hairstyle, there is less friction, your curls are not squashed, there is less frizz, and the curl definition is preserved. 


bun your curly hair

Short hair is suitable for pineapples. Try the bun, nevertheless, if your hair is long: 

  • Make a ponytail with your hair. 
  • Once around it, loosely wrap a hair elastic. 
  • Pull your hair only halfway through when you second-time around the hair elastic. This results in a bun. 

Hair damage and friction are decreased when you bun your hair. Before going to bed, use a leave-in conditioner and give it time to thoroughly dry.

Headscarf or buff 

Buff your curly hair for sleep

The buff hairstyle involves the following steps: 

  • Stretch the headscarf or buff until it forms a necklace-like shape around your neck. Next, gently guide it over your head. 
  • Turn your hair on its side. 
  • Pull the buff’s top gently until it completely encloses your hair. 
  • Tie your hair up at the top if it is long. 

The buff keeps your hair up off your head while you sleep with curly hair. A sleep cap for curly hair can also be used in its stead.

3. Wear a hat or head scarf made of silk or satin

A hat or head scarf can protect your hair and serve another purpose. 

These hair accessories not only prevent your hair from rubbing against your sheets and becoming frizzy, but they also keep it in place as you sleep, preserving the structure of your curls. 

4. Use good hair products

Your hair might gain shine and bounce from a leave-in conditioner that replenishes the keratin in the hair follicle. 

Spray-on conditioners may also make your hair softer and simpler to style in the morning by strengthening hair strands that have been weakened by heat styling and hair color.

5. Hydrate your hair regularly

I usually apply a moisturising cream or conditioner to prevent frizz and damage. A small amount of curl cream will keep hair moisturised throughout the night because it tends to dry out at night. 

Depending on the thickness of your hair, you’ll require a different cream and conditioner. 

See also: How to Sleep With Permed Hair?


How can you save your curls from flattening if you are sleeping with wet hair?

Here is a regimen you can use if you have wet, frizzy hair when you sleep: 

  • Wash your hair the night before if you have an early start the following day. 
  • Be sure to wash your hair two to three hours before going to bed. 
  • With a microfiber towel, squeeze out all the extra water from your hair. 
  • For the greatest results, use a light moisturising hair gel. 
  • Put your hair in a soft T-shirt after giving it a few finger-crunchies.
What should your morning routine be if you don’t want to wake up with messy and flat curls? 

If you’re anything like us, having amazing hair and drinking lots of coffee in the morning is a priority. Use these three steps to effortlessly achieve iconic curls. 

  • Release it 

Take off your pineapple or bonnet to check how well your curls kept up during the night. By placing your fingers at the roots of your hair and gently shaking, you can fluff up your hair. Repeat by turning your head upside down. 

  • Let it to rest 

Your curls might not settle completely after eight hours in a pineapple or bonnet. While you prepare coffee, check your messages, or have breakfast, let your hair down. After 15 to 30 minutes, check your appearance in the mirror.


It does take some planning to take care of curly hair. Fortunately, you can achieve lustrous, wholesome, and natural-looking curls while you sleep. 

Your curls can be maintained with a few easy changes to your bedtime routine, including switching to silk pillowcases, sleeping on your sides, and using a sleeping hat. 

Use a cotton or satin scrunchie to tie your hair into a loose bun with a pineapple shape at the top. The curls are prevented from flattening by doing this. 

Before going to bed, moisturise your hair with a conditioner or cream to avoid frizzy and damaged hair.