How to Wash Your Hair Without Getting Your Face Wet? (5 Ways)

Imagine you have done your entire makeup and then you realise your hair is too oily and flat for the look and you want to do a quick shampoo to make it all perfect!

But what about the makeup then? Would you want to waste your effort behind the perfect makeup look that you have achieved or would you want to wipe off the entire makeup and redo it just for shampooing your hair?

What if I say you will not have to waste either your time or your effort behind redoing your makeup as I have some awesome hacks in store for you wherein you can wash your hair without getting your face wet!

Can’t believe it?

Pinch yourself as it’s true AF!

5 ways to wash your hair without getting your face wet

Let’s get straight into business:

1. Wash your hair in the washbasin

Wash your hair in the washbasin

For this, you will definitely need the help of someone else at home, but believe me, if you do not want water to drip into your face, this is the best option of all.

Take a chair to sit in front of the wash basin. Lean your head back and rest it on the basin just as you do at the salon. Now, ask someone to wash your hair using a hand shower or a mug.

The person washing your hair has to be careful while pouring the water on hair so that no water drops down to your face.

2. Lean your head forward and use a hand shower

When you don’t have anyone else to wash your hair and you need to do it all by yourself, this position works the best.

All you need to do is, stand and bend your back in front. Now, lean your head forward and bend it down. Better if you use a hand shower than a head shower as using a head shower can cause the water to drip to your face and using a hand shower has the control over you to direct the water flow as per your need.

First wet your hair using the hand shower and stop the shower. Shampoo your hair and then again use the hand shower (remaining in the same head down position) to wash off the shampoo.

3. Wear a face shield while washing your hair

Wear a face shield while washing your hair

Face shields serve the best when you don’t have a hand shower and have a problem leaning in front while washing your hair.

Wearing a face shield will neither require anyone to help you do the shampoo or would not require you to bend down and forward (because for some that can trigger vertigo).

Wear the face shield and stand down in the shower and wash your hair as you like.

4. Use a dry shampoo

Use a dry shampoo

According to me, if you have dry shampoo, why take a chance and take the risk of washing your hair when just the dry shampoo can do what you need.

Spray the dry shampoo and comb your hair. Your hair will be fresh and voluminous and you will be ready to style it as you want!

5. Dip your hair in a bucket of water

Dip your hair in a bucket of water

When you are not sure of using a head shower or a hand shower to wash your hair without letting the water reach your face, use two buckets of water.

First, wet your hair using a spritzer filled with water. Then shampoo your hair. After you have finished applying the shampoo to your hair, dip your head (leaving the face) behind it down in the bucket of water.

Use your fingers to rinse off the shampoo. Still some shampoo would be left in your hair. So, take the second bucket of water and again dip your head for a final wash.

See you soon!

If you ask me, I would not take a chance and wash my hair with water and would opt for a dry shampoo instead. Because the truth is, how hard you try, there’s always a chance of the water dripping into your face in one of the other ways no matter how much precaution you take!

Hope you enjoyed my post beauties. Stay tuned for more last minute hacks on skin and hair. Till then……

Keep it simple, keep it fashionable!