Can You Use Hand Soap to Wash Your Face?

There was a time when we all used to use only one soap for our entire body, face and hair. But gone are those days. With time, people have become much more informed and cautious about their skin, which of course has been possible due to the emergence of specific body concerned products.

Still, there are some people who still think using hand soap for the face is fine. But is it safe? Is only cleaning the face off all dirt enough? Is soap even safe for the face?

Let’s find out in this article more about using hand soap as a face wash!

To begin with, hand soap is too harsh for the skin of the face which is very delicate. You have to admit the skin of your hand is much thicker than that of your face so using the same soap for both, is definitely not a good idea right?

Can You Use Hand Soap to Wash Your Face

Why is it not good to use hand soap for your face?

If it would have been meant to be used for both face and hands, it would not have been named as a hand soap, duh!

And what are face washes for then?

Definitely face washes are designed for a specific purpose and we will learn about it later, but let us first know about the consequences of using a hand soap for washing your face:

  1. Using hand soap can cause your delicate face skin to dry which then can cause itching and irritation
  2. Using hand soap on your face can cause dry flaky skin
  3. Using hand soap on your face can cause the skin to become rough 
  4. Using hand soap can cause breakouts on your face 
  5. Using hand soap can cause wrinkles and lines on the face, thus making your face age earlier 

Also, hand soap once used, receives all the dirt and germs on it which then stays on the soap. The next time you use it, the same diet and germs get transferred to the face which can cause harm to your face like infections and skin problems.

Why should you use face wash instead of hand soap for washing your face?

Hand soap is designed mainly to remove the dirt from the hands and kill germs. It’s not meant to add moisture to the hands or make the skin of the hands any better.

Face washes on the other hand are designed to make the skin of your face better and have many uses other than removing dirt from the face. 

Let’s have a look at the benefits of using face wash:
  1. Face washes are specifically designed for the delicate face skin
  2. Face wash will help to remove not only dirt but also excess oil from the face
  3. Moisturising face washes help to restore the oil balance of the face and does not let the skin dry up and develop patches
  4. Face washes help to treat acne and pimples
  5. Face washes help to even out skin tone 
  6. Face washes help to brighten the skin
Which soap is ok to use on your face?

If you ask me, I would not recommend using any soap on your face. Still, if you are a soap liver and can’t get out of it, use a soap that is very mild and gentle and says that it is safe to use on the face or is formulated to be used on the face.

What are the different types of face washes?

According to your skin type and skin concerns, there are different face washes for specific purposes like:

  • Face wash for oily skin
  • Face wash for acne prone skin
  • Face wash for glowy skin
  • Face wash for dry skin
  • Face wash for removing tan and dark patches
  • Face wash for hyperpigmentation
  • Moisturising face wash
  • Face wash for sensitive skin
See you soon!

Standing in 2023, I think it’s lame even to bear the idea of using a hand soap for washing your face!

There’s hardly a price difference between the two and even if face washes cost more than hand soaps, believe me, it’s an investment to be made.

If you haven’t tried a face wash, what are you waiting for? Go grab one and save your delicate face skin.

That’s all my beauties for this post, see you in my next article, till then……

Keep it simple, keep it fashionable!