Can I Wash My Face After Waxing?

Waxing is too harsh a process and when it comes to waxing your face, you better learn to treat your face pre and post waxing the right way!

Waxing is the removal of hair from the follicles of the skin with the help of a thick wax based material that’s super sticky and hot.

In the process of taking out the hair from the follicles, the upper layer of the skin also gets irritated and the hot wax is also not very comfortable for the delicate skin of your face.

That means, your skin is bound to become sensitive, prone to redness, burns, and bumps after waxing. So, it’s very important to take care of your face the right way before and after waxing.

Can I wash my face after waxing

But don’t you worry, I am here today to explain to you in detail all the steps that will help to heal your skin after the waxing.

Is it necessary to clean your face right after waxing?

Yes, it’s very important to clean your face after the waxing procedure or else the sticky wax residue will settle on the skin and cause breakouts. Also, cleaning with water or an oil will soothe your skin and restore the lost moisture from the skin.

Can you wash your face after waxing?

That’s the very first thought that comes to our mind whenever we wax because the sticky wax residue just makes us feel very uncomfortable and we just want to wash it off immediately.

But that’s not right, dear. If you feel your face a bit sticky after the waxing, you can surely ask your salonist to use a lotion for removing the wax or just clean with water using a cotton pad.

Washing your face immediately after the waxing will irritate the skin because the skin after waxing is hypersensitive. The chemicals in the cleanser will react with the skin and cause redness or breakouts.

So, it’s advisable to wait for at least 2 hours before you use any cleanser to wash your face after waxing.

How to remove wax after waxing your face?

If you feel that there’s wax residues left on the face after the waxing, or you feel your skin too sticky, here are some awesome hacks to clean your face and feel fresh:

1. Use cold water to remove wax residue from the face

Use cold water to remove wax residue from the face

Cold water will give instant relief to the skin after hot wax. Cold water will also help to reduce irritation and inflammation that can be caused due to waxing. You can use a cotton pad dipped in cold water and swipe through your entire face.

2. Use coconut oil to remove wax residue from the face

Remember extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil works best for wax removal from the face as it also helps to soothe the skin and calm down inflammation. Use a cotton pad to apply the same.

3. Use baby oil to remove wax residue from the face

Baby oil is good for sensitive skin and can be used as a wax residue removal substitute if you do not have coconut oil in hand.

4. Use a moisturising toner that closes pores to remove wax residue from the face

Use a moisturising toner that closes pores to remove wax residue from the face

Toners also help to soothe the skin and moisturising toners that also help to close pores works great after waxing as it can reduce the risk of breakouts post hair removal.

What home remedies can I use after waxing my face?

If you have extremely sensitive skin, or even a normal skin, post hair removal your skin requires extra care because it has gone through a lot. Using any chemical products or over the counter drugs can sensitise the skin.

So, here are some quick home remedies for your face after waxing which will help to soothe the skin, calm down irritation and inflammation and thus heal the skin of your face:

1. Cold pressed coconut oil massage

Cold pressed coconut oil massage

Cold pressed coconut oil is great for restoring the lost oils from the face and also works as anti-inflammatory. Massage a generous amount of the oil on the face and leave for 10 minutes. Thereafter, wash your face with a mild cleanser.

2. Aloe Vera gel

This is an age-old secret for soothing irritated and inflamed skin. Just apply a thick layer of fresh aloe vera gel or the ones that come in tubes and keep for 15 minutes. Layer wash your face with cold water. Better if you store the aloe vera gel in the refrigerator as it will give a cooling effect.

3. Yoghurt

Yoghurt has antibacterial properties and helps to soothe the skin and reduce chances of acne and pimples post waxing.

4. Soaking the face in a bowl of ice water

Soaking the face in a bowl of ice water

The skin gets inflamed and irritated after waxing so soaking the face in a bowl of cold water or ice water will help to reduce inflammation and close the pores and thus prevent any breakout. Also, ice helps to tighten the skin which has become loose after the pulling from the wax strips.

5. Cucumber paste

Cut the cucumber in slices and grind it into a paste. Apply the paste all over the face and let it sit for 10 minutes. Cucumber is cold in nature and will help to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.

How to treat your skin after waxing your face?

Want to know what’s the right thing to do post waxing your face. Here’s what to do:

  1. Apply an ice pack on the face or dip your face in a bowl of ice water.
  2. Use cold pressed coconut oil to remove any wax residue from the face. Massage the oil on your face using your fingers. Let it stay for 10 minutes.
  3. Soak a cotton pad in cold water and remove the coconut oil from the face.
  4. Apply aloe vera gel on the face.
  5. Wait for at least 2 hours.
  6. Wash your face with a mild cleanser that is moisturising as well.
  7. Apply a cortisone cream that helps to treat irritated skin.
What not to do after waxing your face?

As I have already mentioned several times that the skin is very delicate and very sensitive after waxing. It needs to rest and soothe to heal. So, here’s some Don’ts that you need to follow post waxing your face:

  1. Do not apply a cleanser right away to wash your face.
  2. Do not scrub your face at least for 3 days.
  3. Do not use any chemical lotions that might irritate the skin.
  4. Do not apply makeup right away.

See you soon!

Hope this post was useful to you. Stay tuned for more such super ways to treat your skin and bring out the best of it.

Till then…….

Keep it simple, keep it fashionable!